Aqua Pet Cremation - The Affordable, Environmentally-Sound Alternative to Traditional Cremation

How Aqua Pet Cremation Works:

Aqua pet cremation (scientifically known as alkaline hydrolysis) is an alternative cremation procedure by which a mixture of water flow, heat, and alkalinity gently breaks down organic remains in a manner that mirrors but accelerates the natural decomposition process.

This affordable pet cremation option benefits the environment more than traditional fire cremation. It also produces a higher volume of ashes, which are returned to loved ones in a light, powdered form lacking the bone fragments common to traditional cremation.

The process is simple. After a final viewing period, the body is placed into a stainless steel compartment. The compartment fills with water, along with a measure of alkali determined by a variety of specifics, particularly pet weight. The water-alkali solution is then heated anywhere from 200-300°F, with the water gently circulating throughout the procedure.

Over the course of several hours, this breaks all organic materials down to their smallest elements. No DNA or RNA remains. The water is released, and the remains are rinsed with fresh water. Only inorganic bone materials will still be present at this point. These minerals are collected and processed into a fine powder, which is transported into an urn and presented to the pet’s family. These ashes are 100% safe to handle.

The whole process uses less water than a single household will use in a regular day and produces no greenhouse gasses or harmful emissions. Nor does it burn any fossil fuels.